6 May to 5 June 2024 – Seminario di credito: Qualitative Analysis of National Memory

Address: Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale – Via Verdi, 26, 38122, Trento

Room: 19 and 12

Speaker: Polina Zavershinskaia

Organizer: Giuseppe Sciortino

For more information: giuseppe.sciortino@unitn.it

Registration: registration is obligatory and must be done online at http://www.sociologia.unitn.it/100/seminari-di-credito by 23/04/2024 (minimum number of enrollment(s) for activation: 10 – maximum number: 16).

Please take note of the SANCTIONS PROVIDED for those who do not show up for the first and/or next meeting without having given proper notice. See http://www.sociologia.unitn.it/100/seminari-di-credito.
Exceeding activity: Students can earn 2 CFU credits by attending the seminar and preparing a group presentation for the final session. The minimum hours of attendance “in presence” cannot be less than 12.