Extra – 6 June 2024

Address: Palazzo Paolo Prodi, Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento Room: Room Piscopia Time: 1 pm Picture of the event Speakers Ester Gallo Topic: Impure genealogies. Recalling colonialism across the public-private divide Description: Indian political history has been inscribed into the intimate lives of many colonial subjects. Between the end of the XIXth century and the […]

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9 May 2024 – Chairman Mao’s Children

Address: Palazzo Paolo Prodi – Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento Room: 002 More information: https://webmagazine.unitn.it/evento/lettere/120560/chairman-mao-s-children Description In the 1960s and 1970s, around 17 million Chinese youths were mobilized or forced by the state to migrate to rural villages and China’s frontiers. In his book Chairman Mao’s Children: Generation and the Politics of Memory in China

9 May 2024 – Chairman Mao’s Children Read More »

6 May to 5 June 2024 – Seminario di credito: Qualitative Analysis of National Memory

Address: Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale – Via Verdi, 26, 38122, Trento Room: 19 and 12 Speaker: Polina Zavershinskaia Organizer: Giuseppe Sciortino For more information: giuseppe.sciortino@unitn.it Registration: registration is obligatory and must be done online at http://www.sociologia.unitn.it/100/seminari-di-credito by 23/04/2024 (minimum number of enrollment(s) for activation: 10 – maximum number: 16). Please take note of

6 May to 5 June 2024 – Seminario di credito: Qualitative Analysis of National Memory Read More »

4 December 2024

Address: Palazzo Paolo Prodi, Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento Room: Room Piscopia Time: 1 pm Speakers Federica Meconi Topic: Past memories shape empathy / I ricordi influenzano l’empatia Description: Sharing others’ emotions is something that we all experience every day. The ability to share others’ emotions is called empathy. Empathy is a powerful social glue

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13 November 2024

Address: Palazzo Paolo Prodi, Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento Room: Room Piscopia, 4th Floor Time: 1 pm Speakers Claudio Biagetti Topic: Byzantine Hagiography between Memory and History: the case of Hermione of Ephesus / L’agiografia bizantina fra memoria e storia: il caso di Ermione di Efeso Description: Memory and martyr worship have been intertwined since

13 November 2024 Read More »

9 October 2024

Address: Palazzo Paolo Prodi, Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento Room: Room Piscopia, 4th Floor Time: 1 pm Speakers Michael Castellino Topic: The importance of memory in the historical study of the Epitaphioi Logoi / L’importanza della memoria nello studio storico degli Epitaphioi Logoi Description: Michael Castellino underlines the need to study the funerary orations produced

9 October 2024 Read More »

8 May 2024

Address: Palazzo Paolo Prodi, Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento Room: Room 113 Time: 2 pm Pictures of the event Speakers Alessandra Galizzi Kroegel Topic: Memoria corta? I musei europei e la restituzione dell’arte africana / Bad Memory? European Museums and the Restitution of African Art Description: I musei, luoghi per eccellenza deputati alla memoria, rivelano

8 May 2024 Read More »

3 April 2024

Address: Palazzo Paolo Prodi, Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento Room: Room Piscopia, 4th Floor Time: 1 pm Pictures of the event Speakers Antoine Houlou-Garcia Topic: Graphic memory and conceptual oblivion of the Greek zero / Memoria grafica e oblio concettuale dello zero greco Description: Antoine will present the strange fate of the little-known Greek zero:

3 April 2024 Read More »