Internships & Summer Schools

Recurrent internship programme/Erasmus (non UniTN students only)

Starting from spring 2024, the LIMS – Interdepartmental Lab Memory and Society will offer two-month internships to advanced MA and PhD students from Universities from Italy and abroad (those from abroad are invited to figure out with their own University if they can apply as Erasmus students).

Students from UniTN are not eligible.


Applications must be submitted, along with a CV and a motivational letter (500 words max.), via the online application form.


The internships will be max 4 per year:

– 2 spring internships (April-May) Application deadline: 30 Dec.
– 2 fall internships (Oct.-Nov.) Application deadline: 30 Jun.


Results will be communicated in a 2-week time.


More details about the internship programme are availablein the following document:

➡️ Read here the reports of our past interns!

LIMS Summer School 2024 (both UniTN and non-UniTN students)

➡️ Check out some pictures here!

➡️Read here the reports from our participants!

This first edition of the LIMS Summer School (Trento, 26-31 August 2024) aims to offer an introduction to this increasingly rich and stimulating discipline, with classes and activities that especially concentrate on one of the basic questions driving the field, namely: what is memory? Is it a function of the mind, the result of a socio-historical process, or something in between? During the classes and the related activities memory experts from different fields, namely history (ancient to contemporary), sociology, psychology, semiotics, anthropology, literature and media studies will introduce the possible answers to this major question and contribute to configuring a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary picture of memory studies and their major research topics and approaches.

The Summer School is open to up to 15 advanced international undergraduate and graduate students (upper-level Bachelor and all Master students) as well as PhD students5 more places are reserved for UNITN students.

Call now closed.

You can find more information on

Treno della memoria 2025 (UniTN and non-UniTN students)

II LIMS condivide volentieri l’apertura delle iscrizioni al Treno della Memoria 2025, organizzato dall’Associazione Terra del fuoco Trentino in collaborazione con la Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino, 11-18 febbraio 2025.

Il viaggio prevede la visita di Berlino e Cracovia, in particolare i memoriali e i luoghi della memoria berlinesi, e a Cracovia del ghetto ebraico, della fabbrica di Schindler e i campi di sterminio di Auschwitz-Birkenau, Ravensbruck. Sono previsti inoltre momenti di riflessione, discussione, lettura, teatro.
Il viaggio è preceduto da una serie di incontri preparatori con storici e formatori professionisti in collaborazione con la Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino, e seguito da alcuni incontri di restituzione.

Sia per gli incontri di formazione che per le attività in viaggio, in base alle adesioni, è prevista una formazione diversificata per gruppi (studenti e dottorandi).
Costo: 460 euro tutto incluso (viaggio, alloggio, attività didattiche e culturali, incontri preparatori e di restituzione). Le iscrizioni scadono il 6 dicembre, a questo link:

MA level Courses in Memory Studies (for UniTN students only)

Memoria e storia (second semester)

Since 2019/2020, a curricular course dedicated to Memory Studies has been offered at the Department of Humanities. It is turned to MA Students, but it is also open to PhD students. It introduces the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary field of memory studies, in its first part, and focuses on the multifaceted, changing role of memory in historical research, and the relation between historiography and non-historiographic forms of memory, in the second.

The course, recently re-named as ‘Memoria e storia’, is taught by G. Proietti and usually takes places in the second semester (March to May).

Each year the course is partly built in progress, according to the students’ disciplinary backgrounds and interests. Large room is reserved for discussions and debates both during regular classes, and on the occasion of two or three guest lectures which constitute integral part of the course. A written essay is eventually requested as part of the evaluation process, and often represents the starting point of an ensuing dissertation.

More details about the course here.

Introduzione ai memory studies (first semester)

Starting from 2024/2025, a second course dedicated to Memory Studies will be offered at the Department of Humanities. It is specifically turned to MA Students of the Public history curriculum of the MA course in History (but it is open to MA students from any course, and to PhD students as well). It introduces the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary field of memory studies.

The course is taught by G. Proietti and usually takes places in the first semester (Oct to Dec).

Each year the course is partly built in progress, according to the students’ disciplinary backgrounds and interests. Large room is reserved for discussions and debates both during regular classes, and on the occasion of two or three guest lectures which constitute integral part of the course. A written essay is eventually requested as part of the evaluation process, and often represents the starting point of an ensuing dissertation.

More details about the course here.

Thesis in Memory Studies


  • A. Domi (MA) (academic year 2023/2024), L’ISOLA DEI SENZA MEMORIA. RICORDO E OBLIO NELL’OPERA DI YOKO OGAWA (supervisor: G. Proietti, co-supervisor: G. Perletti)
  • R. Carpinelli (MA), DECOLONIZZARE I CLASSICI: MEDEA: DAL MITO GRECO ALLE MEDEE NERE (academic year 2023/2024) (supervisor: G. Proietti, co-supervisor: G. Ieranò)
  • M. Ch. Di Pasquale (MA), SUD-REALISMO: MEMORIA COLLETTIVA E SOVRASCRITTURE DI PRATICHE CULTURALI NELLA PENISOLA SALENTINA: IL TARANTISMO OGGI (academic year 2023/2024) (supervisor: G. Proietti, co-supervisor: G. Raschieri)
  • E. Rosina (BA) (academic year 2023/2024), L’impatto delle Guerre Persiane sulla popolazione civile ateniese: coinvolgimento, reazioni, memoria (supervisor: G. Proietti, co-supervisor: M. Giangiulio)
  • F. Martinelli (MA), DALL’ARS OBLIVIONIS AI FORGETTING STUDIES. FORME DI NEGAZIONE DELLA MEMORIA, TRA ANTICO E CONTEMPORANEO (academic year 2022/2023) (supervisor: G. Proietti, co-supervisor: U. Tulli)

In preparation

  • E. Sester (MA) (academic year 2024/2025), under definition (supervisor: G. Proietti)