Address: Palazzo Paolo Prodi, Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento
Room: Room Piscopia, 4th Floor
Time: 1 pm
Picture of the event

Michael Castellino
Topic: The importance of memory in the historical study of the Epitaphioi Logoi / L’importanza della memoria nello studio storico degli Epitaphioi Logoi
Description: Michael Castellino underlines the need to study the funerary orations produced in classical Athens focusing on the categories of cultural/collective memory, intentional history, and performative approach, in order to fully understand these discourses in their own civic context and civic function. Pointing out the connection between rhetorical text, historical period, as well as political and pedagogic purposes appears of paramount importance in order to contextualize the epitaphioi logoi in the Athenian classical era and to highlight the importance of a memory-studies approach to this type of oratory.
Bio: Michael Castellino (PhD Turin 2022) has recently joined the Department of Humanities of the University of Trento as a postdoctoral research fellow within the PRIN Project “Memory and space in ancient Athens. Topography, monuments, mindscapes” (PI Giorgia Proietti). His main research interests focus on the public funeral speeches in fourth-century Athens, the so called epitaphioi logoi, with special attention to their rhetorical topoi, their performance, and their connection with the historical, cultural and political background of the polis.
Luca Morlino
Topic: Marco Polo’s Milione between mirabilia and memorabilia / Il Milione Marco Polo tra mirabilia e memorabilia
Description: Marco Polo’s Milione is universally known as a masterpiece of travel or wonder literature, but it is also a fascinating book of memories, itself characterized by an extraordinary reception across the centuries in many languages. This talk will focus on this last aspect through some of the most interesting examples, also in relation to the ongoing celebrations for the seventh centenary of Marco Polo’s death.
Bio: Luca Morlino is Assistant Professor in Romance Philology at the Department of Humanities in Trento. His research interests are medieval Romance literatures, their modern and contemporary reception, lexicography, textual criticism and the history of Philology.