Indirizzo: Palazzo Paolo Prodi – Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento
Aula: Aula 001
Video dell’evento

Karl-Joachim Hölkeskamp is an internationally-renowed ancient historian. Professor of Ancient History in the University of Cologne (1995–2019), now emeritus; formerly Moses and Mary Finley Fellow in Ancient History, Darwin College Cambridge (1987–91); Visiting Professor, University of Paris-Sorbonne (2008). Within a wide spectrum of scientific interests, including archaic Greek law and legislation, comparative analysis of city-state cultures, theories and methods of historical analysis, and memory studies, Hölkeskamp’s main research focus is the political, social, and cultural history of the Roman Republic. His most important book on political culture and the importance of cultural memory is Rekonstruktionen einer Republik. Die politische Kultur des antiken Rom und die Forschung der letzten Jahrzehnte (Munich 2004), which was also published in English, French, Spanish, and Italian (Modelli per una repubblica. La cultura politica dell’antica Roma e la ricerca degli ultimi decenni, Roma 2016). Among his most recent publications are Libera res publica. Die politische Kultur des antiken Rom – Positionen und Perspektiven, Stuttgart 2017; Roman Republican Reflections. Studies in Politics, Power, and Pageantry, Stuttgart 2020; Theater der Macht. Die Inszenierung der Politik in der römischen Republik, Munich 2023. His essay In Defense of Concepts, Categories, and Other Abstractions: Remarks on a Theory of Memory (in the Making), in K. Galinsky (ed.), MEMORIA ROMANA: Memory in Rome and Rome in Memory, Ann Arbor 2014, 63-70, stands out in its methodological value for the study of ancient history.
In today’s lecture he will guide us through the history, memories and monu-menta of the Roman Republic.
Karl-Joachim Hölkeskamp is married to the ancient historian Elke Stein-Hölkeskamp. Among their shared publications are the books Von Romulus zu Augustus. Große Gestalten der römischen Republik, Munich 2000; Erinnerungsorte der Antike, 2 voll., Die römische Welt (2006); Die griechische Welt (2010), Munich. In 2017, the couple was awarded the Karl Christ Prize.
Both scholars will be available to meet PhD students and advanced graduate students in an informal meeting in Room Targetti on Friday 10 November, at 10 am (no need to register in advance).
Main speaker: Karl-Joachim Hölkeskamp
Discussants: Elke Stein-Hölkeskamp, Maurizio Giangiulio, Giorgia Proietti