27 March 2023 – Meymune Topcu (New York), ‘Imagining the collective future: Narratives, valence, and perceived agency’

Address: Palazzo Paolo Prodi – Via Tommaso Gar 14, Trento

Room: Room 118


Main speaker: Meymune N. Topcu (New School, NYC) is a visiting scholar at the New School for Social Research. She received her PhD from the Cognitive, Social, and Developmental Psychology program at the New School in 2021. Her research broadly involves the relation between collective memory and collective future thinking, with a focus on narratives, valence, and perceived agency. Her previous work has been published in JEP: General, Memory Studies, and Progress in Brain Research. She is currently working on various projects that explore national goals, collective anxiety, and counter-narratives in the context of collective future thinking.

Discussant: Thomas van de Putte (UCLouvain)

The lecture is integral to the course ‘Memory studies and history’, and open to anyone interested.

Participation in presence is free.